List of 20 different plants and quantities in Gertrude Jekyll’s hand, divided by headings ‘In A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’; ‘D’ is struck through. Annotated in pencil at top in a different hand, ‘Supplied by Miss Jekyll for terrace bed and screen’\r\nPlants include laurustinus, pyracantha, Euonymus radicans, kerria, columbine, Jasminum nudiflorum, Veronica traversii, Clematis flammula, delphinium, nepeta, anchusa, lent hellebore, Artemisia ludoviciana, santolina, tradescantia blue, Lawson’s cypress and Cistus laurifolius. Undated [Oct 1927; this list was not found with the letter, however it seems likely that it is the enclosure referred to in Jekyll’s letter of 28 Oct [1927], reference JEK/2/1/17]