Letter from Gertrude Jekyll to Mrs Brand [Amy Barnes Brand]
Letter from Gertrude Jekyll to Mrs Brand [Amy Barnes Brand]
Record type
Original Reference
1927-09-30 00:00:00
Scope & content
Written from Munstead Wood, Godalming, [Surrey]. Manuscript\r\nJekyll will send plants in the next fortnight except Phlox divaricata, Mertensia virginica and Paeonia wittmanniana which she cannot supply; she advises on the positioning of Oenothera fruticosa and anthemis; she cannot explain the failure of Hemerocallis thunbergii but will send seven of the stronger day lily, without charge; she recommends calendula known as ‘Prince of Orange’ or ‘Orange King’, and advises how and when to cut it back to encourage further flowering; the ‘unusually wet season has made many plants grow abnormally and flower at odd times’, for example Clematis flammula which usually flowers in mid-September is only just coming out. With envelope