Hand-coloured glass lantern slide of the North end of the house at Hutton John. A topiary yew tree can be seen on the left. Ink inscription on recto, '169'. Inscription on recto, "Hutton John". nr. Penrith. 14719'. Typed label on recto, 'Photograph by Reginald A. Malby & Co., As this slide is especially prepared for use with artificial light it should not be criticised by daylight'
1 photograph
Physical description
Glass: 8.5 (h) x 10 (w) cm. Landscape Image: Portrait. Lantern slide. glass positive
Is part of
Carroll Perkins photography collection
Royal Horticultural Society Lindley Library
Reginald A. Malby and Company
Credit Line
Reginald A. Malby and Company / RHS Lindley Collections
Usage terms
Non-commercial use with attribution permitted; no derivatives permitted (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)