Letter from Joan R. Severn [Joan Ruskin Severn] to William Robinson
Letter from Joan R. Severn [Joan Ruskin Severn] to William Robinson
Record type
Original Reference
6 Jul 1885
Scope & content
Written from Brantwood, Coniston, Lancashire. Manuscript
She found Mr Ruskin [John Ruskin] in an agony of mind thinking of the exquisite irises Robinson sent him being ruined, and he was amazed and delighted when she separated the withered and crushed ones and filled glasses with the different kinds; they are a great joy and they have a lovely bed just coming out; they are almost sure they have none of the exquisite pale yellow and deeper yellow ones Robinson sent, and would be glad to know their names and where they can be obtained; they must all meet one day in the Jekyll garden; she asks him for a bill for ‘The Garden’ and asks that it be sent to her quarterly or half-yearly; she is grieved that their best columbines died in the winter; she hopes the yellow iris will be suitable for outdoors