Three illustrations of varieties of cyclamen, one featuring the corm. Plant names inscribed on the folio in black ink in Latin, French and German: TL CYCLAMEN ROMANA; Cyclamen Romain; TR: CYCLAMEN VERNALE; Cyclam. Vernal Blancq; LR: CYCLAMINA GERMA; Cycl d'Allenaigne; LR: in graphite pencil: 'gemaeckt door Mr Piter Kounwehoorn:' (created by Mr Pieter Kouwenhoorn). Old Latin names: Cyclamina Romana (Roman), Cyclamen Vernale (Spring flowering), Cyclamina Germa (German); English vernacular name: Cyclamen, Ivy-leaved cyclamen
1 item
Physical description
watercolour painting (technique). 45 cm x 31 cm. watercolour (paint). handmade laid paper