Ten illustrations of varieties of aqueligia, featuring stems and a root. Plant names inscribed on the folio in black ink in Latin, French and German: TL: AQVILEGIA flo IANTHINO; Acholie Violette; Akeley violbraun; TC: albo; Blancq; Weiz; TR: PVRPVREO; Purpee; Purpur; L: flo: CAEVLEO; Bleu; blauw; R: Roth und weiz; blauw dubbelt; L: flo: CAEVLEO; Bleu; blauw; R: Blauw und weiz; LL: flo RVSSO; Incarnate; herbfarb. Old Latin Names: Aquilegia flos Ianthino (violet flowers); Albo (white); Purpureo (purple); Caeruleo (blue); Russo (red); English vernacular names: Granny's Bonnets, Columbine
1 item
Physical description
watercolour painting (technique). 45 cm x 31 cm. watercolour (paint). handmade laid paper